MewBot Guide

Brought to you by Sav

Basics (Bot Prefix: ;)

Selecting your Starter Pokemon

To pick a starter pokemon, type ;start in any of the mewbot channels and select your starter by just saying its name without the prefix (Ex Charmander)

Catching, viewing & selecting Pokemon

After you have selected your starter, any messages you make within the server will help pokemon spawn in #mewbot-lounge and level up your selected Pokemon. To catch a pokemon, just say it's name without the prefix (ex pansage). ;info new or ;info latest To view your latest pokemon. There you can view your pokemons nature, forms, ability, IVs and Pokemon #. ;pokemon or ;p To view all pokemon & their Pokemon # denoted by the word "No." infront of it. ;select <pokemon #> To select your desired pokemon to level up. To find this you can use ;p command or the ;f p .name command if you already know which pokemon. Pokemon # can also be found at the bottom of it's ;info page (eg ;select 2)

Filtering Pokemon

You can filter your pokemon or the market based on what your looking for with ;filter pokemon/;f p or ;filter market or ;f m. The current tags are .name, .nickname, .nature, .type, .level, .iv, .ev, .evo, .legendary, .pseudo, .ultra beast, .alola, .starter, .shiny, .item, .female, .male. Example: ;f p .name pikachu to view all your pikachus ;f p .evo eevee to view all your eeveelotions ;f p .iv to view the pokemon with the highest IV's. To view your pokemon with the lowest IVs use ;f p .iv a/;filter pokemon .iv ascending

Dueling & Movesets

Teaching your Pokemon moves

;moveset It will bring up a list of all the moves your selected pokemon can learn. There are often multiple pages and ;n/;b are used to navigate the pages. Each Pokemon has 4 move slots. ;learn <moveslot> <move name> To learn the move The move name must be in lowercase otherwise it'll tell you that your pokemon cannot learn that move (;learn 2 hyper beam)

Dueling NPCs

;npc duel to duel an npc. You will be given three options: ;fight, ;talk or ;steal. ;fight It will load up a page of your pokemon and it's health along with your opponents. It will prompt you to use a move. If you don't remember your moves you can always use ;moves. To use a move just use ;use move <moveslot number> (eg. ;use move 1) ;talk can improve or decrease your friendship with an NPC. As of right now, friendship has no purpose but will possibly be implemented in further updates. You can try to ;steal an NPC's credits. if you succeed you earn a random amount of credits. If you fail you lose twice as much as you were trying to steal. ;duel @user To duel another user.


Breeding relies on Egg Groups. Bulbapedia is a good source if you don't know what your pokemon egg group is. To breed pokemon they must share (1) egg group, and be of the opposite gender. ;breed <male Pokemon #> <female Pokemon #> (example ;breed 216 1 216 being the male and 1 being the female.) If you recieve the error message "These two Pokemon are not compatible!" please double check you have put the male Poke # first followed by the female Poke # and double check that they both share an egg group.

Ditto is immune to the above restrictions. Ditto can be transform into a male or female pokemon. If you need a male ditto, place them before the female Poke #. Dittos cannot breed with each other. The only way to obtain a ditto is through catching one or buying one from the market You can buy a destiny knot to pass down 2-3 random IVs from one parent to it's offspring, additionally you can buy a Ultra Destiny Knot to pass down 2-5 random IVs from one parent to it's offspring. To buy one: ;shop items

Breeding Factors

Breeding factors include Catch Rate and IV's. The rarer it spawns and the higher the IV's make them harder to breed, so it will take a few tries to get a successful breeding. If it says "Breeding Attempt Failed!" just try again.


Once your successful, you'll get a message saying which pokemon the egg is and how many messages it takes to hatch. Your female will enter a 6 hour cooldown period. Your egg must be selected or in your party for the messages to count. To view the egg IV's before it hatches: ;f p .name egg Tip: Select the egg and place it in your party as each message will be worth 2 messages, essentially speeding up the hatching process by 50%. Once your egg hatches, mewbot will send the message in the channel saying "Your <pokemon> egg has hatched!"


;gift @User <Credits> to gift the specified credits to another user ;give @User <Pokemon ID> to give the specified Pokemon to a user ;giveredeem @User <Redeems> to give the specified redeems to a user ;trade @user to send a trading request to someone, the person receiving the trade request must either ;accept or ;reject ;add p <pokemon ID[s]> to add pokemon to the trading request after the recieving part as confirm the trade request. You can add multiple pokemon. (eg. ;add p 191 200) ;remove p <pokemon ID[s]> to remove pokemon from the trading request ;add c <credits> to add credits to the trading request ;remove c <credits> to remove credits from the trade ;add r <redeems> to add redeems to the trade ;remove r <redeems> to remove redeems from the trade ;confirm both people must confirm the trade for it to go through.


To view the market, you will need to familiarize yourself with the filters. ;help filters. Pokemon in the market will have a unique Market ID consisting of 7 numbers. It will be denoted by the word No. before it.

Adding & Removing Pokemon from the Market

;m add <Poke #> to add a pokemon you want to sell on the market ;f m .owned to list all the pokemon you have on the market and to find out your pokemons unique Market ID number ;m remove <Unique Market ID> to remove your pokemon from the market.

Searching the Market

;f m .price a to view the cheapest pokemon available in the market. ;f m .name <pokemon name> to view specific pokemon in the market ;f m .<starter | shiny | ultra beast | legendary> to view all the starters, shinies, ub or legendries in the market. Some filters can be paired with other filters: .price | shiny | female | male. Example: ;f m .shiny .starter

Buying from the Market

;m buy <unique market ID> It will then ask you to ;confirm or ;reject the pokemon you want to buy in case you accidentally grabbed the wrong ID. The name and level should match what you were trying to buy.


;shop forms to see available forms you can buy. Please double check that your pokemon has a form buy using

;info <pokemon name> (Pokemon name not Pokemon #).

Not all Pokemon have a form. Alola Form is currently unavailable

;shop mega to buy mega stones. If your pokemon doesn't have a x or y mega form, just buy the normal one. Please double check that your pokemon has a mega evolution. Not all pokemon can mega evolve

;shop items to buy Rare candies, Items to Boost Pokemon Abilities such as Zinc etc

;shop battle items will show you all items usable for battles.

;shop stones stones for evolution stones

;shop vitamins for vitamins to boost stats!

;buy <item_name> to buy an item

Items, Megas, Forms, Fusions, & Special Evolutions

;bag to view all your items not equipped on pokemon

;equip <item name> to equip an item to your select pokemon

;unequip to remove an item from a pokemon

;transfer item <Poke #> to transfer an item from your selected pokemon to a new pokemon

;mega evolve to mega evolve after equiping a mega stone to pokemon that has a mega evolution.

;select <Charizard Poke#> or <;select Mewtwo Poke#>

;buy mega stone x or ;buy mega stone y

;equip mega stone x or ;equip mega stone y (if not already equipped)

;mega evolve x or ;mega evolve y

;form <form> to change your pokemons form Some pokemon require Items to do so.

;shop form

;deform to return the pokemon to it's original form. Also works with mega evolutions. Fusions

;select KyuremPoke#.

;buy dark stone or ;buy light stone

;equip dark stone or ;equip light stone (if not already equipped)

;fuse black <Zekrom Poke#>. or ;fuse white <Reshiram Poke#>.

;select NecrozmaPoke#. ;buy N-Solarizer or ;buy N-Lunarizer

;equip N-Solarizer or ;equip N-Lunarizer (if not already equipped)

;solarize <Solgaleo PokeID>. or ;lunarize <Lunala Poke#>

Primal Evolutions

;select <Kyogre Poke#>

;buy blue orb

;equip blue orb (if not already equipped)

;form primal

Groudon + Red Orb → Primal Groudon Dialga + Adamant Orb → Primal Dialga

Special Evolutions

Eevee + Dawn Stone → Espeon Eevee + Dusk Stone → Umbreon

Eevee + Leaf Stone → Leafeon

Eevee + Ice Stone → Glaceon

Eevee + Moon Stone → Sylveon

Lugia + Shadow Stone → Shadow Lugia Necrozma + Ultranecronium-Z → Ultra Necrozma

Stats, Fishing, Missions, Redeems, Spawns & Slots

;stats displays your energy bar (max 10), fishing level & experince, luck, and coins

;shop rods to view all the rods you can buy to fish.

;fish to fish for a pokemon. You will be given a hint and will have 10 seconds to enter the name of the pokemon without the prefix

;missions to view the day's missions.

;missions claim to claim the 10k credit reward for completing the missions

;upvote to upvote the bot for 1,500 credits and an upvote point

;reward to claim the upvote bot reward

;claim to convert 10 upvote points into a redeem

;redeem to view all the ways you can spend your redeem


1/350 (0.285%) Item drop per caught spawn

1/1000 (0.1%) Alolans, Starters, Aerodactyl, Gyarados, Snorlax line, Volcarona line, Zoroark, Lapras, Eevee per spawn

1/2000 (0.05%) Pseudo Legendaries, Riolu Line per spawn

1/4000 (0.025%) Ultra Beast (UB) per spawn

1/8000 (0.0125%) Mythical, Legendary, Rotom, or Shiny per spawn

0.0125*(1+Honey% or Shiny Charm%) Legendary or Shiny per enhanced spawn


;buy coin case to hold coins and found in ;stats. 1 credit = 2 coins

;buy coins <Quantity> to convert credits to coins at a 1:2 ratio

;slots <Quantity> to spin the slots at the desired amount. Cost 1 energy

0 matching numbers = 0 points

2 matching numbers = win & a luck point

3 matching numbers = jackpot win & 2 luck points

;cash out <Quantity> to convert coins to credits at a 2:1 ratio 1 Luck is gained per won round. It increases the success rate of slots by 20 - (luck-1) * 0.75.

This guide was compiled by Sav!

Last updated

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